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What is Quiz Bowl?

Philosophy of Course:

This course is geared toward students who enjoy “ready recall” of information relating to current events, science, history, literature and trivia. Quiz Bowl aims to help students enjoy individual and team competition, to respect each other’s performance, to use their brains with humility, and develop their own inquiry skills.


Quiz Bowl is a fine and practical arts course that meets either once(W) or twice( M/Th or T/F) weekly.

We may start with questions such as true/false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, or those requiring the use of the white board or, pencil/paper- math and spelling.

Then the buzzer system is set up, and two or more teams compete against each other, answering questions.

Each week, students spend at least one class practicing their skills with questions they have developed themselves.

At the end of the school year, all students who have participated in the Quiz Bowl elective have the option of participating in the school-wide Annual Ultimate Quiz Bowl (UQB) assembly, held on the first Wednesday in June.


Did you know?

RMS 13th Annual Ultimate Quiz Bowl "Who Dunnit?" will be June, 3rd 2020, so this elective will have you qualified to be on a team, ready to play, and maybe...


Do you enjoy "ready recall" of information relating to current events, science, history, literature, math and trivia? Using buzzers? Winning? The challenge of limited time to answer questions?

If you said "YES"

Then Quiz Bowl is for you!

We'll play with questions and material from traditional core RMS academics on one day, and choose our pop culture topic for "QCD" (ask me about it!) on the other day.

Yep- you choose the category and make up questions that you'll ask all teams when you take your turn as Quiz Master.

More to Come:

UQB - Ultimate Quiz Bowl
Electives Quiz Bowl
After School - The Quiz Bowl Tournament Team - QBTT