Friday Focus
Welcome to the Friday Focus. Our weekly newsletter will be posted here. It will include the Administrator's message, important updates, and fun things happening around our school.
Important Dates
Thoughts from the Rolling Desk
Welcome back! We hope that everyone had a restful and fun break from RMS to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday. We all slid back into the 5 day a week school routine this week, even managing to weather the (less than advertised) winter storm without a delay or cancellation. We are happy to have everyone back.
Thank you to everyone who heeded the pleas to maintain the sovereignty of the staff parking lots. The past few days have seen fewer pickups and drop offs in the lots, and the resulting increase in safety is heartening. Thank you for your patience as we strive to keep everyone safe.
We continue to track the seasonal increase in illness for students and staff, with walking pneumonia being a notable addition this year. Please just let us know if your student needs to stay home to recover, we will work to offer alternatives to missed work. Health is the most important.
(inspiration from the 6th grade below)
As we move toward the end of 2024 we will continue the low key tradition that RMS has started during the past few years. Knowing that this time of year can increase stress and anxiety among students and adults we attempt to steer clear of large, high energy, events in the school. While we will hold an “all school read” in concert with “cozy day” next Wednesday, we want to remind everyone that we don’t exchange gifts at school, and despite the temptations that are everywhere, we would rather not exchange candy either (candy canes are really sticky!) We are also reminded that not everyone’s customs surrounding this time of year are the same, and we want to be inclusive of all traditions. Maintaining the normalcy of the school day seems to help manage the increased energy that the season often brings. Thank you in advance for understanding.
Please enjoy the weekend as we prepare for the last two weeks of the calendar year. We know that, in the celebratory time of year, we all celebrate the supportive and caring community that is RMS. We continue to welcome any and all feedback as we all work to stay well, be safe, and take care of each other. We geese have got it.
School News, Information, and Resources
RMS Cafe
Information about menus, mealtime, and application for RMS’ meal program are available here.
The RMS lunch program is run “in house” and does not follow a state or federal program. If your family may benefit from assistance for meals, please contact Robin Morley-Ploof in the office for more information. The program is confidential and runs the same way as the more traditional cafe meal funding program.
RMS works hard to accommodate the dietary needs of our community, so if you have any questions, concerns, please contact Austin Jacobs.
DHHS Survey
Every five years the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Maternal Health Section, conducts a statewide needs assessment to learn what health issues are of most concern to New Hampshire families. The results of this survey will be used to determine what priorities we should focus on for the next five years to improve the health of New Hampshire women, infants, children, and their families. We need your input! Your participation is voluntary and anonymous. You cannot be identified or linked to your responses. The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. If you complete the survey, you can enter a drawing for a chance to win one of twenty-five $50 Walmart gift cards. For more information, please contact DHHS at or 603-271-4517.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have a wide-range of volunteer opportunities available both during and outside of school hours throughout the district. Please take a minute to fill out this brief questionnaire to let us know what activities you would be interested in learning more about for the 2024-25 school year. Teal Parker, our Coordinator of Volunteers, will be in touch with more details as events/activities arise.
In addition, if you are interested in volunteering but have not yet gone through the background check process, please fill out this form and we will be in touch to get the process started for you.
RMS Health Office Updates
Respiratory Illnesses
RMS is beginning to see an increase in respiratory illness (like every year). Several of the illnesses include walking pneumonia. Upper valley primary care providers are seeing some atypical/mycoplasma pneumonia in children which can be treated with antibiotics. However, viral infections continue to be the most common cause of pediatric cough and respiratory illness in our community.
Information on Mycoplasma Pneumonia from the CDC: can be found here.
CDC Prevention Measures for Respiratory Illness can be found here.
If you have questions regarding health programs, or anything related to the health of your students please reach out to Nurse Abby.
PTO Gaggle
Let’s Get these Geese Moving!
Join us TOMORROW (Saturday, December 7th) @ 10:30am at the RMS gym for a community and FUNdraising event to support the 8th grade Cultural Trips. There will be an exercise class including movement, dance, and stretching, as well as a bake sale and raffle. Bring a water bottle, some cash, and soft soled shoes for the gym floor. Suggested donations for this event are $10/person or $20/family and includes one free raffle ticket. Cash or checks appreciated. Help us kick up some energy for this exciting 8th grade culminating tradition!
PTO Meeting
Thursday, December 12th @ 7pm on Zoom
We’d love to have you join us to hear about how the PTO is working to build community through communication, socials and partnerships. We’ve got some creative events planned for the New Year that we’d love to share with you. There will be time to hear from and chat with Principal Tim Boyle, Counselor Elizabeth Burrows, as well as Donielle Dixon, advisor for the student council.
Dates of note:
- Dec 7 @ 10:30am: Class of ‘25 FUNdrasing event for 8th grade Cultural trip
- Dec 12 @ 7pm: RMS PTO Zoom Meeting
- Dec 20th: Deadline for uploading a baby picture of your 8th grader
Yearbook information here!
Important Links
- District Transportation
- RMS Cafe
- Community Interest
- Dresden Board Meetings On Demand
- District Calendar
- BOARDDOCS: Remember to select “Dresden School Board” in upper right hand corner after you click “Public Access”