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Assignment Clarification
Links to assignments are regularly posted on Schoology. Students and parents should check this resource first before emailing teachers about assignments.  Managing workload and expectations are a key component of middle school and we work to give students the tools to keep up with their own work.  We know that this is a work in progress and strive for improvement throughout their time at RMS.
The office staff will deliver essential messages to homeroom cubbies by 2:30 p.m. each day (1:30 p.m. on Wednesdays). In addition, it is a student’s responsibility to pick up items left by parents in the office.
Students who participate in after school sports should have a plan in place with their parents so that he or she knows what to do/how to get home in the event of a cancellation. On rainy/snowy days cancellations can affect too many students to get individual messages to all. Note: Students are asked to have personal cell phones turned off during the school day.         
The URL for the school’s website is The website includes updated news as well as the academic curriculum, school handbook, useful resources, homework assignments via Schoology, and helpful links. We encourage students and families to check it regularly.
Principal’s Friday Focus                                                                 
The principal communicates to all parents and guardians via email most Fridays. These announcements and important upcoming events can also be found on the school’s website.
School Cancellation/Delays                                                           
In case of extreme weather, school may be canceled for the day or delayed for two hours. SAU 70 provides a service in which an automated phone message is sent to all parents announcing school closings or delays. Information about this service will be sent home prior to the start of the school year. 
Early morning announcements are also posted on the SAU website (, the WMUR website ( or via local radio stations. Please listen carefully for either the Dresden or Hanover schools to be announced. Even if a delay is announced, school may be canceled if the weather deteriorates; please continue to check before leaving for school.                                                                                                             

Students at RMS commute to and from school via various modes... walk, bike, school bus, local transit bus, and/or automobile. Each mode of transportation has its own responsibilities and safety procedures. Bus responsibilities and other guidelines can be found on SAU 70’s website (   
We are fortunate to have a crossing guard directing students, buses, and traffic each morning. The front circle, each morning and afternoon, is for bus drop off and pick up only. With this in mind, students who travel by car are asked to use the “pull offs” on the street for morning and afternoon drop off. The north and south parking lots should not be used for drop-off or pick-up.  
Many of our students use the school bus, which is shared by the SAU 70 schools. Bus routes and schedules can be found on our website- Parents-School Information- Bus Schedule. The Hanover and Dresden school districts contract with Student Transportation of Vermont.  They can be contacted at 802-698-8528 with any questions.