The RMS Library supports the school curriculum and provides access to free choice reading materials. Students receive instruction in research skills and digital literacy from the librarian in collaboration with classroom teachers. Students should feel comfortable asking for help with informational needs and for suggestions for recreational reading. Students are encouraged to suggest materials to add to the collection.
Student Expectations
While in the library, students are expected to follow all school rules. The library is an academic environment for learning, studying, completing homework, and reading. Students are encouraged to work collaboratively but should make sure they are not disrupting other students. The library staff assumes that students will behave appropriately in the library, and may ask students to leave if they are not following expectations.
The library provides access to thousands of print books: fiction, graphic novels, and nonfiction. Students may also check out audiobooks. Online resources are available 24/7 from the library website including online databases, eBooks and downloadable audiobooks. Because the library provides resources to a large spectrum of users, there are items that are more mature than those typical in elementary libraries. Parents are encouraged to speak to their children about the reading materials they choose, and should communicate any expectations they have with their children. The choice of the materials in the library is governed by School Board Policy IFA.
The RMS Library complies with the New Hampshire Library Records Confidentiality Law (HB 36) passed on July 21, 1989. “This act...protects the confidentiality of library user records. Library user records include library, information system, and archival records related to the circulation and use of library materials and services. These records are confidential and shall not be disclosed without the consent of the user or pursuant to subpoena or court order.” The items students check out will not be disclosed to other people without consent from the student.
Overdue Policy
Students are responsible for returning items in good condition in a timely manner. Overdue notices are sent periodically through school email weekly and on paper.. When items are seriously overdue the librarian will send letters to parents and students will not be able to check out more items until the overdue ones are returned. While the library does not charge overdue fines, we expect that lost or damaged items will be paid for.