Student Expectations
You are a member of a learning community that takes the business of academic
and personal growth seriously. For this community to succeed, each member must strive to meet the following expectations:
Respect Oneself
Respect and Cooperate with Others
Take Academic and Personal Responsibility
Have Regard for Health and Safety
Solve Conflicts in a Fair Way
Respect Property and Community
Restorative Practices at RMS
Richmond Middle School students and staff value community, and are committed to working through conflicts with a process that is fair and allows for relationships to be repaired and strengthened. At its core, Restorative Practices at RMS is a process for responding to behavior, allowing us to better understand what happened, who was impacted, and what we can do to repair the harm and ensure that the conflict does not repeat.
Students and staff engage with Restorative Practices through homeroom and classroom relationship building circles, the use of Restorative Language and circles to address behavior, and using restorative questions on the office referral form to guide discussions and outcomes.
We have high expectations. If behavior problems occur, most will be worked out between you and your teachers. However, you will be sent to the office for serious or recurring problems. The following require an automatic office referral:
Fighting or hurting someone else;
Dangerous, illegal, or outrageous behavior;
Harassment; or
Patterns of behavior that interfere with learning
Students who are sent to the office will fill out a behavior discipline form. This allows the student to tell their side of the story. The staff member will fill out the form as well, and the associate principal will help the student and staff member solve the problem. Parents will be notified of serious or repetitive offenses.
RMS Dress Guidelines:
We expect that all students and staff will dress in a way that is appropriate for a school setting. Dress choices respect Richmond Middle School’s intent to guide students towards greater independence and empower students to examine the impact their actions have on themselves and others. Additionally, we support that individual self-expression is a natural and important part of human development. We believe that racial and cultural influences may inform a community member’s choice in clothing. Our dress code affirms our belief that appropriate attire is not gender specific.
Non-Allowable Dress:
Clothing may not depict, advertise, or advocate the use of alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs/controlled substances.
Clothing may not depict pornography, nudity, violent or sexual acts.
Clothing may not use or depict hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other protected group.
Clothing must not threaten the health or safety of any other student or staff.
Application of Dress Code Guidelines:
If there is a question as to a student’s attire meeting the dress code, a staff member can say to the student, in a respectful and private setting, “I think that your attire is prohibited by our dress code”. The student will be expected to reconsider their attire. If a student disagrees with the enforcement of the dress code by a staff member, and/or does not alter their clothing to be in compliance, they will meet to discuss their dress with administration or guidance.
RMS Cell Phone/Device Expectations
RMS strongly supports any and all family decisions regarding personal cell phones for students. While we understand that some families feel the need for students to connect, recent research highlights the dangers and pitfalls associated with teenage access to social media, and many parents have embraced the “wait until 8” idea of granting a cell phone at the end of 8th grade. At RMS we focus on teaching responsible use of technology throughout the school day and beyond, realizing these devices are part of our modern world. As a result we adhere to the following guidelines:
- Cell phones should not be accessed in a classroom setting without express permission from the teacher. This includes the playing of music through headphones. Students need to ask permission.
- Cell phones should remain stored (backpack or pocket) throughout the day, including during snack, lunch, and in the hallways. Need to access phones constantly is a possible unhealthy attachment to the social media world.
- RMS provides monitored devices for school work, so personal devices are not necessary.
- All school information and interaction will take place through schoology or email - cell phones are not necessary for these applications.
- Phones are a personal luxury at school, not a necessity.
- While at school personal devices fall under the acceptable use policies of SAU 70.
- Teachers and Administration reserve the right to take a personal device for the duration of the day should it continue to cause disruptions.
School Bus Expectations for Behavior
The district provides a bus service for students who live more than one and a half miles from school. Those who ride should appreciate the service. The bus driver has complete authority. Cases of improper conduct will be reported to the administration. Serious disciplinary problems may result in the suspension of riding privileges. In such cases, it is the responsibility of the parents of the student involved to see that they get to and from school safely and on time.
Snowballs may not be thrown on school property. This is a safety matter and will be strictly enforced.
Athletic Equipment & Cleats
Sports equipment to be used after school must be stored in a homeroom or gym closet during the school day (outdoor racks will be available for skis). Cleats and ski boots may not be worn in the building.
Students may ride to and from school but not on school property unless these items are needed in an elective. Skateboards and rollerblades should be kept in cubbies; bikes should be locked in the racks outside of school. We strongly encourage the use of helmets while riding.
Personal Technology
Please see Personal Technology Use Policy (page 16) for more details.
Each student has a cubby in their homeroom for books, snacks, lunch, and other belongings. Students are expected to respect the privacy of cubbies belonging to others at all times. Our cubbies have neither doors nor locks. Students are responsible for cleaning out all food from cubbies on a daily basis.
Money & Valuables
We do everything we can to safeguard personal property, but the school cannot be responsible for lost items. Students should not bring valuables or large sums of money to school and should not leave valuables in their cubbies.
Buying and selling of items from other students during the school day is not allowed. Food may be purchased in the cafe during breakfast, snack, and lunch - students should not sell food to each other.
Lost and Found
Personal belongings found around the school are placed in the Lost & Found Box in the auditorium lobby. Anything found should be brought to the office, and students should check the box soon after they lose something. Periodically, unclaimed items are donated to a local non-profit organization.