Parent Groups
There are two active groups for parents to be involved in. For those interested, we invite you to participate in Circle Up! and the Richmond Middle School PTO.
Circle Up!
Circle Up! Invites all Dresden-Area Community members to participate in monthly meetings to support youth wellness, resiliency, and prevent substance misuse and suicide. Engage on whatever level feels right, bring ideas or listen to what other caregivers are thinking about.
Meetings are the second Tuesday of each month at 7 PM and can be accessed via zoom. Links will be included in the Friday Focus.
We believe all parts of our community must work together to create a community where teens, young adults, and families have a sense of belonging and are able to access meaningful support, feel safe, have a voice, celebrate diversity, achieve wellness, and are committed to open dialogue.
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) for Richmond Middle School was resurrected in March of 2020 and we'd like to showcase their efforts.
Check out their site!